I had a couple of ideas for magazine names!

Sixth is a simple and concise name for a School magazine and it gets the job done.
It highlights the intended target audience – sixth formers. So therefore it would give an indication of age and some possible ideas on interests and hobbies.

The Moss
Mr Moss is the name of a school business teacher. He is very difficult to hate. A magazine named after him would encourage students to learn as well as to idealise all teachers for their help and good qualities.
Also The Moss comes with a selling line:
“You may not like it now, but it’ll grow on ya!”
As the plant moss does on buildings.

Ur skool
This title is more for a magazine aimed at younger students and “Chavs”. The use of text language will entice them in and make them believe that the writers of the magazine have the same interests and mind-set as them.
It would highlight points such as school news and tips and tricks to get out of trouble and save time in school.

This is the title that I intend to use. As a title it sends a good and positive message. It is also what is expected of the Sixth Form. In order to succeed and “Exceed” yourself in Sixth Form you have to work hard. The intended purpose will be a helpful and entertaining guide to surviving school and passing with flying colours!