Here's how I'm going to get more information for my magazine genre!

When making my magazine I needed to collect a lot of information from lots of people effectively and concisely. A questionnaire was a good way to go about this. They are cheap to produce and easy to read and collect information from because the data is ticking boxes.
I began with questions to find my demographic. Questions like gender and age. I continued to find out their psychographic; finding out their favourite subject and their hobbies.

I can use this information to create a magazine tailored for these people using specific pictures and language as well as to influence content.

The next questions were explicitly about content and the writers. I asked the potential audience what they would like to see in the magazine, who they want to write it.

Finally I asked them how much they would pay.

I found the audience were very similar apart from male and female. They all shared common interests and drives. I believe my magazine may be more successful targeting this niche audience.