About time I uploaded some flat plans.

My drawing is terrible so I hope to recreate a computerised piece of work to a much better standard, but here they are!

Here's my front cover. 

I wanted a lot going on on the front cover, but I wanted to make sure the main artist was bold and vivid. He takes up most of the page. He will probably be moved up and in front of the masthead to show importance and dominance over this issue. I will make sure the model I use is wearing Black/white and red/blue. I haven't completely decided on a colour scheme yet but I like to use white because it gives the magazine a clean and professional feel. I will most likely choose Red because of the dangerous and risky feel.

This is my double page spread.

I wanted two parts to the double page spread, but both on the main artist of the week. The left hand page is purely an article of the artist. I will most likely do an article on his influences and his success on the way up in the music business. His genre and how he picked it and what his next step is.
The right hand side is based on his recent gigs and a review of it. I decided to put it this way round because  if people want to read up on an artist they will most likely want to see them perform. On this page we have a 'Fresh from the crowd' section where people who have just attended the gig are asked for their opinion. 
There would be a professional review of the gig about what happened and why to go. A tour dates section so people know of the upcoming gigs and a special speaker based rating system which would occur throughout the magazine. Competition and touring tips are also based on the main artist of the issue. This double page spread is filled with eye-catching sections to keep the reader reading and interested.