I think I'll reflect and evaluate the work I've done!

Reflection and Evaluation

Magazine cover analysis
I found identifying key points of the magazine easy. However, I chose 2 magazines with similar genres. So I need to go back and re-analyse a different magazine cover – perhaps Vogue.
As well as identification I also need to compare the two and how they appeal to different demo and psycho-graphics.


I think the blogging is a great and artistic way to present our work. It can show how much effort we really put into presentation and for people like me who lack good handwriting and good presentation it means we can really show what we mean. Using school computers, unfortunately, was a hindrance meaning I am left to do most of my uploading at home. I feel that I need to improve my blog by using more exciting ways of presenting it – possibly a Power Point.


I found taking the photo was the easiest part. I was lucky to get a great picture on the first go.
I used a white background because I foresaw the editing process and having to crop out, Jacob Crux - my model, from the photo. A white background meant less traffic and an easier editing experience.
The photo itself is Jacob Crux holding a “Welcome to Sixth form” sign I believed this was a good idea because it will really welcomes the new sixth formers, shows who the magazine is for and also adds a familiar face around the school for newcomers. The poster he is holding also highlights what the houses are. I intend to upload, as well as my final photo, the photos which sadly didn’t make the cut.


I used my questionnaire to find out what my target audience is and a psychographic.
On the questionnaire I made it wouldn’t have been very informative when I received my response. I changed a few of the questions in order to more fulfil the purpose effectively. Rather than ask for a person’s favourite faculty in school, I’ve asked for their favourite subjects. And instead of key interests I have rephrased it to hobbies.

Flat Plan

I believe that my flat plan was quite successful. It highlighted the mean ideas and layout for my magazine. I feel as though I could have been more successful in my creation if I had a better grasp of drawing and art.
Although since the made the flat plan and began making the first draft of my magazine I have changed the name. However the layout stays to my preliminary ideas.